
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” -Anonymous

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let's start from the beginning.

At 10 weeks pregnant, it's no surprise that I have known for a while now the circumstance of my uterus. However, since I only start this blog now, I still think it would be sensible to start from the beginning. So let's suspend disbelief as I take you back 11 weeks to when it all started.

It is the first week of April, and I am at my GYNs for my annual appt. I love my GYN - I have been going to her for the last 4 years and I think she is awesome, so I feel lucky having her be there for us in the time to come. I tell her that I am going to go off the pill (bcp), and that Erik and I are going to start trying next month. She reminds me that I don't have to wait after I go off the pill - that I can still conceive before my first non-pill period. But I don't want a Christmastime baby and I could use a month to get used to being without the pill's hormones as well as work on the little tire of fat around my waist. She laughs and writes me a prescription of prenatal vitamins, that I can start taking as soon as I please.

At home Erik and I start talking about the baby plan. He thinks my non-Christmastime and work-out plan/ logic is flawed. "Why don't we just start now?" he says. After some debate, I give in.
Within the next 2-3 weeks I get pregnant.


  1. Regarding the no nos.. In my opinion, removing bleach from your laundry routine and switching to eco-friendly cleaners shouldn't be a "consider", it should be a must, and not just for pregnant ladies, either. The EPA safe chemicals list hasn't been updated since the 70's, and at the time it was formed, nearly 62,000 industrial chemicals were "grandfathered in", ruling that their use could continue without any testing or review of any sort. You would not believe the stuff that is allowed in our everyday products. That's all - I promise I won't continue to use Stef's blog as my soapbox!

  2. Great blog so far! Looking forward to reading more updates as your pregnancy progresses. :)

  3. So...what do you think was the most effective position? Heehee
