
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” -Anonymous

No-Nos & Things to (Strongly) Consider

  • No smoking, or drugs - this should be a lifetime change
  • No alcohol - the sooner the, once you start trying
  • No un-pasturized cheeses - if its soft or blue and you aren't sure, just say no
  • No sushi - sorry, but you don't want to take chances with mercury and bacteria
  • No alpha hydroxy products
  • No benzoyl peroxide products
  • No salycylic acid products
  • Strongly consider cutting out all caffeine - it is healthier for your baby, as well as your body - you may even sleep better
  • Strongly consider removing bleach from your laundry routine
  • Strongly consider switching to eco-friendly cleaners to avoid harsh fumes and chemicals
  • Strongly consider buying a maternity pillow to help you sleep more comfortably on your side - critical in 2nd and 3rd trimesters