On top of the multiple blood tests, monthly appointments, glucose testing, genetic testing, and anomaly scans, I have also had to recently begin twice-weekly fetal stress tests. These tests aren't actually a part of the every-preg repertoire. At about 26 weeks along I started noticing Braxton Hicks contractions - a tightening in the uterus just above my pelvic bone. These are 100% completely normal. But then I started noticing that I was having multiple - about 1 every 15-20 mins for about 2 hrs at a time. And they were hardening my belly. I shared this with my doctor and she suggested I come in and get some (more) tests done. The first was the fetal stress test. These are to monitor the baby's heart beat for a period of about 20/25 minutes - enough elapsed time to monitor her while I contract. Heart beat great. We also ran a quick sonogram to look for fibroids. Sonogram clear. Then we swabbed for a fetal-blah-blah-blah test *I swear I have heard them say the test about 4 times now and still only come up with 'fetal-blah-blah-blah'. This test is a bit pointless - even my doctor says so. The fbbb test can only tell you if you have a 16% chance of delivering in the next 2 weeks. Yep, thats it. And my test - negativo. The diagnosis? My baby's big head is right behind my belly button and she's not exactly in an up-down position. That is good news. Despite my discomfort at her position, she is healthy. And even though I still have to do fetal stress tests twice a week, it means I get to relax for 20 minutes to the sound of baby girl's heartbeat. AND at 31 weeks I am at the point of getting a sonogram, etc appointment every two weeks to measure her growth. She is now 3 lbs, 7 oz and about 16 inches head-to-foot! It's estimated that at this point babies will top out at about 1/2 lb gain a week...meaning she could get huge!
AND, because of all of these medical advancements and requirements, we can be sure that our little girl is healthy and safe. I guess I can't complain. :-)
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