
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” -Anonymous

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3....4,5,6...

Being preggo means lots of testing.  Especially in California.  California health organizations now strongly recommend that all preggos undergo the same tests that were once only ordered for high-risk pregnancies.  
On top of the multiple blood tests, monthly appointments, glucose testing, genetic testing, and anomaly scans, I have also had to recently begin twice-weekly fetal stress tests.  These tests aren't actually a part of the every-preg repertoire.  At about 26 weeks along I started noticing Braxton Hicks contractions - a tightening in the uterus just above my pelvic bone.  These are 100% completely normal.  But then I started noticing that I was having multiple - about 1 every 15-20 mins for about 2 hrs at a time.  And they were hardening my belly.  I shared this with my doctor and she suggested I come in and get some (more) tests done.  The first was the fetal stress test.  These are to monitor the baby's heart beat for a period of about 20/25 minutes - enough elapsed time to monitor her while I contract.  Heart beat great.  We also ran a quick sonogram to look for fibroids.  Sonogram clear.  Then we swabbed for a fetal-blah-blah-blah test *I swear I have heard them say the test about  4 times now and still only come up with 'fetal-blah-blah-blah'.  This test is a bit pointless - even my doctor says so.  The fbbb test can only tell you if you have a 16% chance of delivering in the next 2 weeks.  Yep, thats it.  And my test - negativo.  The diagnosis?  My baby's big head is right behind my belly button and she's not exactly  in an up-down position.  That is good news.  Despite my discomfort at her position, she is healthy.  And even though I still have to do fetal stress tests twice a week, it means I get to relax for 20 minutes to the sound of baby girl's heartbeat.  AND at 31 weeks I am at the point of getting a sonogram, etc appointment every two weeks to measure her growth.  She is now 3 lbs, 7 oz and about 16 inches head-to-foot!  It's estimated that at this point babies will top out at about 1/2 lb gain a week...meaning she could get huge! 

AND, because of all of these medical advancements and requirements, we can be sure that our little girl is healthy and safe.  I guess I can't complain.  :-)