
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” -Anonymous

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big kicks and little cravings

I am no longer confusing fetal movement with gas anymore.  She is kicking and punching like crazy.  And I am serious about the crazy - its often and with amazing accuracy - right to my bladder.  At first it seemed she only kicked around an hour after I ate, but now it seems a lot more often.  I really should start a kick journal to see if she is consistent, so at least I could anticipate the sudden needs to pee.
At this point in the pregnancy, she's not the only thing getting stronger and sudden.  The urge to eat is comes when you least expect it;  like when you've just finished eating breakfast.  What to eat is still tough.  I can't really survive on White Castle microwave cheeseburgers alone.  I also like turkey bacon and cup of noodles. :-)
Obviously these are not super good for the baby, so I have to eat them sparingly, or at least add in lots of healthy goodies.  Found a list of some 'super foods' for preggos and was happy to see some foods I really like on there:  green onions (chives), blueberries, hummus, avocados and you many other yummy healthy goodies.  Of course you can find many lists of healthy foods, but the most important lists are foods to avoid.  Check out my section on 'No-nos and things to (strongly) consider', or you can do your own research on some great websites like or there many others.

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