
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” -Anonymous

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Diaper backward spells repaid.

Diaper backward spells repaid.  According to some of my online research, we will be 'repaid' somewhere between 8 and 15 times in the first 2 months.  Once the digestive system gets use to processing food through the mouth and out the other end, rather than through the umbilical cord, the number goes down.  We have decided (I have decided and have convinced the hubs) that we will use one-size all-in-one cloth diapers.  Because they are one-size, the range starts at about 7 or 8 lbs, however even big infants generally don't fit into them snugly until about 9lbs, so we will start the baby off with some eco-friendly Seventh Generation newborn dipes.  In the meantime, we will be stocking up on our BumGenius cloth diapers.
Once she's big enough, and needing to be changed less, I estimate that I can do laundry every other day, and survive with as few as 12 of the cloth ones. That estimate comes from my favorite blog, , as well as a couple q/a's i've read about diaper changing in general. We will probably grab more than 12 to be safe. Though they are about $20 each, even if I spend $400 on my stock-pile, if we use them until she's potty-trained, or too big, I could still end up spending less than half what someone would on disposable. In two years it is estimated that the average couple spends $1000 on diapers. I can't imagine what that figure would be if that couple was spending the lil extra to get natural or eco-friendly dipes. I think it's a smart choice....and the colorful bumgenius diapers are just soo cute!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Birthday and Uterversary!

This past Monday as I celebrated my 28th birthday (Woot! Woot!) my lil baby girl in utero turned 24 weeks (lets give her her own lil woot! woot!).  We celebrated with a nice pre-natal massage followed by some registry adding and I topped the night off with my Bears going undefeated!
At 24 weeks my beautiful angel's face is just about fully formed, complete with eyelashes and eyebrows...though, they are white now - so that is a little creepy.  Pigment develops in the coming weeks, and continues to change throughout the first few years out of the womb.  Out of the womb.  In 3.5 months we will have a baby girl!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big kicks and little cravings

I am no longer confusing fetal movement with gas anymore.  She is kicking and punching like crazy.  And I am serious about the crazy - its often and with amazing accuracy - right to my bladder.  At first it seemed she only kicked around an hour after I ate, but now it seems a lot more often.  I really should start a kick journal to see if she is consistent, so at least I could anticipate the sudden needs to pee.
At this point in the pregnancy, she's not the only thing getting stronger and sudden.  The urge to eat is comes when you least expect it;  like when you've just finished eating breakfast.  What to eat is still tough.  I can't really survive on White Castle microwave cheeseburgers alone.  I also like turkey bacon and cup of noodles. :-)
Obviously these are not super good for the baby, so I have to eat them sparingly, or at least add in lots of healthy goodies.  Found a list of some 'super foods' for preggos and was happy to see some foods I really like on there:  green onions (chives), blueberries, hummus, avocados and you many other yummy healthy goodies.  Of course you can find many lists of healthy foods, but the most important lists are foods to avoid.  Check out my section on 'No-nos and things to (strongly) consider', or you can do your own research on some great websites like or there many others.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Month 5: So much progress!

Only 4 more months to go - phew!  Although there is still so much to be done - inside and out - our baby girl has come a long way from her initial seahorse-looking state.  At 5 months, our baby's face is fully formed (if only I could get a better pic!) and she's even got little nipples!  She's starting to put on little baby weight and her muscles and neurons are formed enough to punch and kick the crap outta me while she's awake - approximately half the day (and night, from what I can tell).   She is quite the little boxing ninja in there.  Though she's moving up a storm, not all movements can be felt from the outside yet, though I have no doubt she will get stronger in the days and weeks to come.  Yay for my baby, bad for my bladder - she has good aim!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Kicking and Screaming

So I am pretty sure by now that I am feeling her kick.  I wasn't sure at first. I am still not positive that everything I feel is her, but when the movement can be felt with my hand on the outside, I think it's safe to assume her lil twitches are turning into full-fledged punches and kicks.
I definitely don't hear her screaming; no, not her.  The screaming of 'kicking and screaming' refers to other people's children.  At 5 months I figured it's a good idea to start my registry.  I have done lots of research but still thought it a good idea to go into a couple Targets and the local Babies'r'us.  I still don't think it was a bad idea.  And for the most part, I still think most people's children are adorable - even crying babies.  However, there seems to be an abundance of inattentive and unmotivated parents who allow their children to scream, cry, kick, drag and run their way through stores.   I guess they will serve as a catalyst or an example for us, and hopefully the other soon-to-be parents, to be more responsible with our kids.  Thanks?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

21 weeks (as of this past Monday)

At 21 weeks, baby girl sure has grown. I think I am even starting to feel her movements...though, it could just be gas bubbles.  Who knows - not me.

For baby, 21 weeks means she gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, my baby already knows what a White Castle microwaved cheeseburger tastes like. Lucky her!...I needed the protein at breakfast. :-)
For me, 21 weeks means more changes - daily - I am like a science experiment.  Though we can all pretend we know 'what to expect' it is still new to all of us first-timers.  Even the second go-around I can't imagine not being surprised by how much we go through.  Aside from the positives; larger breasts, longer/stronger hair and nails, and I am sure at some point I will feel 'positive' about more of the symptoms, there are just so many little not fun/negatives that we are supposed to 'expect'; weepiness, mood swings, bleeding gums, varicose veins, flatulence, back pain, joint pain, hemorrhoids, etc.  Luckily, I have yet to encounter all of those, but I still have to 'expect' them.
But, at 21 weeks, I am also more than half-way there.  Half way to meeting our little girl and starting our little family.   I have 19 weeks to prep her room, her life and her soon-to-be dad.  Though I will always wish men understood the craziness of this time least I have yet to drive him (totally) crazy.  He's being a great husband, and I appreciate that...oh man...there goes the emotions...until next time...think about your bananas.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Out of the mommy closet...

A cute quote from one of my fave movies, "Baby Mama".   I am now out of the mommy closet.  I am big enough in the belly that strangers don't just see me as some girl who likes to rock a beer gut.  I am now someone they ask "how many months are you?" or "when are you due?"   I am also officially dressing from said mommy closet.  For me - mommy drawer.  I have a drawer in my dresser set aside for maternity clothes and have started wearing maternity pants and shirts.  Its a kick - much more comfortable on the belly.  That doesn't mean that I won't occasionally wear jerry-rigged jeans and stretched out juniors tops, it just means that I will be doing so less often...I think.  :-)