
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” -Anonymous

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

To be or not to be....pregnant, that is.

I think I knew I was pregnant very early on. I started feeling tired, bloated and crampy - and I wasn't quite near my period. Any of my early symptoms could have also been due to the fact that my body was adjusting to being off the pill, but what did I know? I haven't been off the pill in 8 years and I have never been pregnant before. I started to feel very aware of my uterus. Like all my annoyances were springing from that very point in my body.

By the end of April, I couldn't wait. I took a test. One of those 'one line = not pregnant, two lines = pregnant'. One line. Not pregnant. Right? I read the box and find that you should wait to take an HPT until you are 4-5 weeks pregnant, and you should also use held pee. They don't use that terminology, however they recommend peeing on it in the morning, or after a waiting period of 3 hrs since the last time you peed. I wasn't so sure about how long since I peed, but I was pretty sure there was no way that I was 4 or 5 weeks pregnant. I thought I should wait at least another three weeks before I took another one. I should wait until our anniversary.

I couldn't wait. I took another test May 12th. This time it was the kind with 'one line = not pregnant, crossing lines = pregnant'. Crossed lines. One line, one faint crossed line. It was faint. Pregnant? I think so. I tell Erik. Excitement ensues!

But it's a faint line. So I wait a week...ok, actually 5 days...and take another. Another (slightly less faint) crossed line. I double-check multiple sites and figure out that a non-pregnant woman would not have enough HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - the hormone produced during pregnancy) to even produce a faint line.

I am pregnant!

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