My mom and step-dad were already planning on making their way down to us to see our new home, so we planned on using that weekend to tell everyone.
Telling my sister was fun - she set it up nicely. We were talking on the phone and she asked what we had planned for mom's visit. I said casually, "they get in Saturday and we will probably just hang out at home to relax after their drive. Sunday morning should be fun; we're getting together with the hub's fam for breakfast so we can tell everyone I'm pregnant..." Screaming excitement and congratulations ensues...
Next were my mom, step dad, hub's parents, sister and brother-in-law. Like I told my sis, we all met up for breakfast Sunday morning. After we all ordered and were settled, the hubs and I tell the parents that we have a little something for them as a thank you for their help and support during the wedding and the home-buying process. "Just a little something". The moms open them at the same time and both immediately look at me in shock and hand the cards to the dads. My mom is tearing up, and so am I. Hub's mom is scooting around the table to give me a hug. Happy, excitement and congratulations ensues...
If I had to tell my dad over the phone, I wanted him to have the sonogram surprise as well, but how could I insure that he'd get it in time, and that he wouldn't open it until I call? I couldn't. So I just bucked up and called. He was playing with my step-sister's (adorable!) baby, so I used that as the opener. I told him how happy I was he had so much recent baby experience,...since I was pregnant and due in January. Happiness, congratulations (and he wouldn't be my dad without giving advice) ensues...
I love our families and I am so happy that I can share this experience with them!!!