
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” -Anonymous

Monday, July 26, 2010

My baby puts the P in Placenta...

...Literally. At 15 weeks, my baby has come a long way and one of the changes has been the movement of the organs through the umbilical and into the body. Around 13-14 weeks, the babies liver, kidneys and urinary tract have developed and the baby actually starts to pee in the placenta! This urine is actually a valuable part of the amniotic fluid. By now, the babies inner sex organs have developed into either ovaries or testes - which will drop later. Among other developments have been the babies glands that are now starting to produce its own hormones. This all means that soon (hopefully, please, soon!) my digestive system will have to do less work to produce food for the baby and my body won't be working as much overtime to create enough hormones. All of these developments also mean that the blood will be rushing to my abdomen and a rate strong enough to give me headaches and dizziness - and yes, I have already experienced this in full force too.
Not just the insides, the outside is changing too. The torso is catching up to the head and the head is now only 1/3 the length of the body. The legs are longer than their arms too. Also, the eyes and ears are in their (near) final positions. It is a crazy time. In 4 weeks, we should be able to know the gender! I can't believe all the changes! Woot! Woot!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

11 Weeks Along

Had the 11 week ultrasound - isn't he or she cute!!!!

The ick should get better soon - at least the nausea and loss of appetite. I read that headaches and dizzyness actually get stronger - fabulous. The nausea lessens because as of right around now, the uterus/placenta are now producing their own hormones, so mine will be getting less and less crazy. Not sure why the headaches get stronger. My guess is that it has something to do with my blood workings. I will have to look into that.

Told my boss too. I thought it would be necessary having had one Dr appt on a Wed, another the following Friday, and another at the end of the month. She was very happy for us. She also let me know that I can take my pace and time in the morning, because I have been very good about always finishing my work on time. Phew!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Ick

The ick started right after I began my 7th week. It started with increased indigestion, constipation and a little nausea, then slowly became full fledged indigestion, constipation and nausea, with a little bit of food aversion and appetite loss. You quickly figure out what you can and cannot stomach. In my 11th week now, the loss of appetite and overall aversion to most food is the worst. It leaves me hungry, but feeling like anything I put in my stomach will create a worse reaction. My Dr. says the worst is 7-10 weeks and that I should start feeling better soon; I hope she is right. She recommended eating small meals, anytime my stomach doesn't hurt. Also, she mentioned that watermelon is good for nausea, so we bought a giant one right after our appointment.

Lets hope I feel better soon, before I drive myself and the hubs (more) nuts!